Laxman Prasad Author

Dr. Laxman Prasad graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1970 and was awarded Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics Engineering by Banaras Hindu University in 1976. Dr. Prasad also holds the Degree of Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) of Delhi University with Patents and International Trade as optional. Currently, he is associated with the Raj Kumar Goel Group of Institutions as Group Director, R&D.

Dr. Prasad joined the All India Radio through Engineering Services (Electronics) in 1973 and later joined the Department of Science and Technology (DST) as Sr. Scientific Officer Grade-I and rose to the position of Adviser in 1997. During his tenure in DST, he headed the various divisions, namely, Technology Transfer, Drugs and Pharma, Water Technology, Solar Energy Research Initiatives and National Science and Technology Management Information Systems. He has the distinction of chairing many committees and representing DST in Governing Boards of various institutions. He has represented the Government in national and international meetings organized by UNESCO, OECD, SAARC, UNCTAD, and ESCAP in various parts of the globe. He was associated with Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, U.K. as Fellow during 1993-94. On superannuation in 2010 from the Department of Science and Technology, Dr Prasad took over as the Director of RKGIT, Ghaziabad and served the Institute up to Jan, 2013. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecom Engineers, India (IETE) and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (India). He is recipient of FIE Foundation National Award (1996) for promotion of Science and Technology in the country and has the honor of being the Distinguished Alumnus of the Banaras Hindu University.