Laurent Bourgois Author

Rodolphe Antoni received a master degree in radiation protection from the joseph Fourier university of Grenoble in 1998. From 1999 to 2001 he was at the OPRI (French governmental office for radiation protection), working on authorizations of radioactive waste release from nuclear plants. From 2001, he joins the radiation protection service at CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique) at Saclay, where he works on dosimetry and radiation protection R&D. Along with this position, he teaches radiation physics and protection in bachelor and master degrees at INSTN (Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires). Since 2009, he works at LMN (nuclear measurement Laboratory) at CEA Cadarache center, on non-destructive essay for radioactive waste with neutron measurement based on differential die-away technique and coincidence. He received his Ph.D. in 2014 on this topic.  

After his master degree Laurent Bourgois began his career at the CEA (French atomic energy commission) Saclay research center in the radiation protection department in 1991. He worked in different fields of radiation protection: particle accelerators, X-rays generator, nuclear fuel, high-activity sealed sources facilities; environment; metrology; dosimetry; radiation shielding; nuclear safety; nuclear intervention; detection; ... He occupied various management positions. In 2007 he was appointed Radiation Protection department head at the CEA/DAM Ile de France research center (Bruyère la chatel center). He participated of various expertise activities (e.g. expert for french nuclear safety authority), training activities (e.g. lecturer in radiation shielding, European master in radiation protection), various task groups (e.g. evaluation of the radiological and economic consequence of decommissioning particle accelerators, Development of methodology for RN material detection, management and protection of the public for the european commission, X-rays generator standards), etc. In 2009, he was appointed senior expert at CEA in "Organization and Engineering" with specialization in "nuclear safety and radiation protection." In 2012 he was appointed senior lecturer at “Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires” (INSTN). He is author of many scientific publications in the fields of radiation protection.