Laurence E Lynn Editor & Author

Carolyn J. Hill is associate professor of public policy at the McCourt School of Public Policy. She is also a senior fellow at MDRC. Her research focuses on whether and why public programs are effective, and how they can be improved. Her work has been published in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and other journals. With Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. and Carolyn J. Heinrich, Hill is the author of Improving Governance: A New Logic for Empirical Research. Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. is Sydney Stein, Jr. Professor of Public Management Emeritus at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on governance, public administration, and public management. His books include Public Management as Art, Science and Profession, Madison’s Managers: Public Admiinistration and the Constitution (with Anthony M. Bertelli), and Public Management: Old and New, and he is co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Public Management. He has received the John Gaus lectureship award from the American Political Science Association, the Dwight Waldo and Paul Van Riper awards from the American Society for Public Administration, and the H. George Frederickson Award from the Public Management Research Association.