Lauren Banko Author & Editor

Siavush Randjbar-Daemi is a Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History in the Faculty of History at the University of St Andrews, UK. His research interests lie in the evolution of the state in modern and contemporary Iran, and the contribution to the public sphere—particularly in periods of relative pluralism, such as the early 1950s or 1979–1981—of a variety of actors, from crowds formed by subaltern parts of society to socio-political elites.

Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi is a Lecturer in Comparative Political Theory at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. He was previously a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK, and received his DPhil in Middle Eastern Studies at Queen's College, University of Oxford. He is the author of Revolution and Its Discontents: Political Thought and Reform in Iran (2019).

Lauren Banko is a Lecturer in the Department of History at Yale University, USA, teaching courses related to the history of the modern Middle East and North Africa, as well as Palestine and Israel. Her current research is broadly focused on the impact of colonialism before and during the interwar period of the twentieth century in the Arab Middle East and in pre-1948 Palestine.