Food Retailing and Sustainable Development
2 contributors - Hardback
Laure Lavorata is Professor at the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne. Her research focuses on the ethics of retailers, marketing ethics, and sustainable marketing. She has coordinated an ANR project on 'Food Retail, Consumption and Sustainable Development' whilst her latest publications are on the "Influence of retailers' commitment to sustainable development on store image, consumer loyalty and consumer boycotts: Proposal for a model using the theory of planned behaviour," published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and "French Retailers and Sustainability", published in French in 2017. She also coordinated a book published by Economica in November 2016 on marketing and sustainability. Leigh Sparks is Deputy Principal and Professor of Retail Studies at the University of Stirling, Scotland. He has degrees from the University of Cambridge and the University of Wales. His research concentrates on structural and spatial change in retailing. Leigh was a founding member of the Institute for Retail Studies at Stirling. His research has been disseminated widely through a number of books, many reports and and over 150 academic and professional articles. He has been an advisor to the Scottish Government on retail and town centre matters and runs a blog at stirlingretail.com