Laura Wershle Editor

Heather Dillaway is a professor of sociology, interim chair of public health, and associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Her research focuses on women's perimenopause and menopause experiences, and is published in a range of feminist journals including Gender & Society; Sex Roles; Journal of Women & Aging; Healthcare for Women International; Women and Health; Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal; and Feminist Formations. Dillaway’s work on this reproductive transition, as well as her research into the reproductive health experiences of women with physical disabilities, seeks to highlight women’s everyday voices and lived experiences. Laura Wershler discovered a love for editing the words of other while earning a certificate in journalism (2011) from Mount Royal University. She brings to her editing and writing decades of experience as a sexual and reproductive health advocate, commentator, and educator. Her work has appeared in various newspapers, journals, online media, and the anthology Without Apology: Writings on Abortion in Canada (2016). Two personal essays about women’s aging will appear in other anthologies published in 2021. One is from her memoir-in-progress about her role as advocate and companion to her mother in deep old age.