Galleria Borghese. Catalogo generale
2 contributors - Hardback
Francesca Cappelletti is the director of the Borghese Gallery and full professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Ferrara. He has published a volume on the Mattei collection (Il trattenimento di virtuosi. Le collezioni secentesche di quadri nei palazzi Mattei di Roma, with Laura Testa, Argos, 1994) and various articles on the events of its dispersion, contributing to the discovery and attribution of Caravaggio's Capture of Christ in Dublin. Among his latest books, Caravaggio. Un ritratto somigliante (Electa, 2009), Una storia silenziosa. Collezioni private a Ferrara nel Seicento (Marsilio, 2013), La collezione Pallavicini e il palazzo del giardino a Montecavallo (Campisano, 2014), Le belle. Ritratti femminili nelle stanze del potere (Mondadori, 2024). Laura Scanu obtained his PhD with honors in Human Sciences from the Università di Ferrara. Fellow at the Ermitage Foundation Italy, the Institute of Renaissance Studies of Ferrara and the Institute of Philosophical Studies of Naples. Contract professor at eCampus University, he has collaborated with the Galleria Borghese and in the editing of numerous volumes. Member of the steering committee of the DiDiArt Laboratory (Università di Ferrara) and of the research group L’età delle dispersioni. Collezionismo tra Italia ed Europa nell’età moderna. In addition to several articles and contributions, he has published La storia per le immagini (2018), Guido Reni a Roma. Itinerari (2022, with Romeo Pio Cristofori) and Rifar Ferrara in Roma. Arte e diplomazia alla corte di Alessandro d'Este (2023).