Laura M Small Author

Laura M. Small joined His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service in 2019 as a participant on the Unlocked Graduates Leadership Programme. She worked as a prison officer at a women’s prison whilst completing her master’s degree in leadership and Custodial Environments and undertaking the research which forms the basis for this book. In 2021, Laura began her training to be a probation officer and continues to be committed to improving rehabilitation efforts and our criminal justice system more widely.

Paul M.W. Hackett is the originator of the Declarative Mapping Approach to social science research and is Visiting Research Professor at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria, a Professor of ethnography and research methods at Emerson College, UK, Visiting Scholar at the Royal Anthropological Institute and a visiting professor at the University of Suffolk, in the School of Health Studies and the Department of Criminology. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Wales Trinity St David."