Laura Katharina Mücke Editor

Florian Freitag has been a professor of American Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) since 2019. He received his PhD in American Studies from the University of Konstanz (Germany) in 2011 and worked as an assistant professor of American Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) from 2011 to 2019. Freitag’s publication on theme parks include articles in The Journal of Popular Culture and Continuum; book chapters in A Reader in Themed and Immersive Spaces (ed. Scott Lukas; 2016), and Popular New Orleans: The Crescent City in Periodicals, Theme Parks, and Opera, 1875-2015 (Freitag 2021), as well as the edited collections Time and Temporality in Theme Parks (2017) and Key Concepts in Theme Park Studies (2023).

Laura Katharina Mücke is research assistant in the area “Everyday Media and Digital Cultures” at the Department for Film, Theater, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Mainz. Her PhD project, based in Mainz, Vienna and Groningen, focuses on the discursivity of seemingly omnipotent concepts of media experience. From 2019 to 2022 she has been an assistant for “Theory of Film” at University of Vienna. She is co-editor of the journal Montage AV and co-founder of the junior research group “ID*A- Initiative Doktorand*innen-Austausch.” Recent publications are the journal issue on “Messy Images” (together with Chris Tedjasukmana and Olga Moskatova, 2022) and the translation from French of “Kommunikationsräume: Einführung in die Semiopragmatik” by Roger Odin (with Guido Kirsten, Magali Trautmann, and Philipp Blum, 2019) as well as the article “Towards a Term of Political Immersion as Co-Immersion” (together with Tom Poljanšek) in: Jacopo Bodini, Alessandro De Cesaris: Immersivity: Philosophical Perspectives on Technologically Mediated Experience (2002).

Peter Niedermüller has been an interim professor at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim (Germany). He was also a visiting fellow at the German Historical Institute in Rome (Italy). Currently Niedermüller is a senior lecturer for musicology at JGU Mainz, in 2019 he was also appointed as a professor there. His research interests include the history of concert life and musical interpretation as well as film music. Since 2002 he is consultant editor of Ad parnassum: A Journal of Eigteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Instrumental Music. Since 2016 he has also co-edited Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung. Among his latest publications are Klangkunst und musikalische Interpretation (2018) and two chapters in Geschichte der musikalischen Interpretation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (2020).