Laura Hardie Editor

Gareth Jenkins, Institute of Life Science, Swansea School of Medicine has been a Genetic Toxicologist for the past 12 years and has been interested in the toxicology of Bile acids and their role in GI Tract cancer for the past 6 years. Bile acid induced toxicity and geno-toxicity are currently a focus of his research group and his specific research interests are in GI tract cancers (oesophageal, gastric, colorectal) and in particular the early stages of cancer development and the role of Bile acids in these cancers, particularly oesophageal cancer. Laura Hardie is currently Oesophageal Research Group Leader, at the University of Leeds. Her previous posts include Study Director, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, London and Senior Scientist for Obesity Research, Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen. Her current research group in Leeds is focussed on understanding the key molecular mechanisms associated with the development of oesophageal cancer and on understanding how bile acids present in heartburn, promote the disease process. Also, with her background in obesity research, she has a keen interest in understanding the interaction between obesity, bile acids and certain types of cancer.