Collaborative Practice in Palliative Care
2 contributors - Paperback
Dave Roberts is Senior Lecturer in Cancer and Palliative Care at Oxford Brookes University. His research interests and publications focus primarily on psychosocial aspects of health, principally cancer & palliative care, communication skills, and psychological interventions, and global aspects of health care and education.
Laura Green is Lecturer in Adult Nursing at the University of Manchester, teaching palliative and end of life care at pre-registration and Masters level programmes. She is Deputy Director of the Non-Medical Prescribing Programme. She is a member of the University’s Research Ethics Panel. Her clinical experience is as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care, and a nurse working in the community and hospice settings. Laura is one of three nurses who established @WeEOLC, an online Twitter community of learning and practice, and is a regular host of Tweet Chats. She blogs at www.lmiddletongreen.wordpress.com and tweets as @heblau and @WeEOLC.