The Croc Who Rocked
Laura Casella - Hardback
Benedetta Borello is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Cassino. She has been a fellow at the EUI (Florence), Italian Academy (Columbia University NY) and MIAS (Madrid). Her research activity is focused on the history of the élites, family and gender history, network analysis, and the public sphere. She is the author of Trame sovrapposte. La socialità aristocratica e le reti di relazioni femminili a Roma (XVII-XVIII secolo) (2003), Il posto di ciascuno. Fratelli, sorelle e fratellanze (XVI-XIX secolo) (2016) and L’apprentissage de Rome à la Renaissance. Officiers à l’ombre de la Curie (xve – xviiesiècle) (2021).
Laura Casella is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Udine. She has been visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and in Marseille. Her main research interests concern the political and cultural role of élites, the history of border areas, family and gender history. She is the author of I Savorgnan: la famiglia e le opportunità del potere, secc. XV-XVIII (2003), «Per parlare da fratello a fratello». Famiglia e carriere nelle lettere di Pompeo ed Eusebio Caimo, 1588-1640 (2022) and co-editor of Construire les liens de famille dans l'Europe moderne, (2013).