A Happy Little Island
Lars Sund - Paperback
Born in 1953, Lars Sund is a Finnish writer from the Swedish-speaking coastal town of Jakobstad, and his eight novels have all been written in Swedish. His last five novels have been translated into Finnish, and A Happy Little Island (En lycklig liten o, 2007) is his first book to be translated into English. Claes Olsson made a film called Colorado Avenue, based on Sund's books Colorado Avenue and Lanthandlerskans son. Colorado Avenue won two prestigious prizes for Finnish literary fiction: the Runeberg in 1992 and the Kiitos kirjasta-mitali (Thanks-for-the-Book Award) in 1993. Lanthandlerskans son took the Lars Widding Award in 1998, while Sund was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 1997. Lars Sund, who studied English, Swedish and comparative literature at the Abo Akademi, the only exclusively Swedish-language university in Finland, now resides in Uppsala, Sweden.