Lars Frederiksen Editor

Linus Dahlander is an Assistant Professor at European School of Management and Technology, Berlin, Germany. His research investigates how new ideas and innovations are developed in networks and communities. The research seeks to understand how these communities and networks unfold over time when individuals are distributed and autonomous – self-selecting tasks and collaboration partners.

Lars Frederiksen works at the Innovation Management Group at Department of Marketing and Statistics, at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark. His research explores the ideas, activities and roles of individuals and teams in innovative projects, communities and organizations. He studies the development of knowledge creation, integration and transfer through social networks. Lars employs both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

Francesco Rullani is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Management of Innovation at LUISS Guido Carli, Department of Economics and Business, Rome, Italy. His research focuses on production of knowledge by self-organizing groups of actors. He has explored these themes in the field of free/open source software, employing mainly quantitative techniques applied to large databases.