Larry Lynch Author

Alan Bleakley is Emeritus Professor of Medical Education and Medical Humanities at Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine, UK, and Invited Member at the Wilson Centre at the University of Toronto. He is a leading international figure in both medical education and the medical humanities, and the author and editor of fourteen books, including Thinking with Metaphors in Medicine: Re-shaping Clinical Work (2017), and many peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. He was President of the Association for Medical Humanities from 2013 to 2016. Larry Lynch is Director of Education and Co-Executive Director of the Belarus Free Theatre, an award-winning, independent company committed to producing, educating and campaigning in the fields of the arts, internationalism, and social justice. He is a Dartington graduate who facilitated the transfer of Dartington’s widely admired education programmes in the performing arts to Falmouth University, UK.Gregg Whelan is Professor of Performance at Falmouth University, UK. He formed the performance company Lone Twin with Gary Winters in 1997, and it has grown to encompass a theatre production company and a community projects arm, producing an ever-diverse range of works for stage, studio and public space.