Law and Policy in Latin America
4 contributors - Hardback
Pedro Fortes is Associate Professor of Law at FGV Law School, Brazil, and a Public Prosecutor at the Attorney General’s Office of Rio de Janeiro. Author of numerous articles on contemporary Latin American law and policy, he is the editor-in-chief of the FGV Law School series.
Larissa Boratti is a Brazilian qualified lawyer, having practiced with litigation and legal consultancy within environmental law for more than ten years (partner at Ilarraz Advogados). She is also an environmental law lecturer and researcher and is currently a PhD candidate at University College London (funded by CAPES Foundation/Brazil).
Andrés Palacios is a Colombian qualified lawyer, partner of the law firm Estudios Palacios Lleras SAS, and an expert on Antitrust law in Latin America. He has written extensively on the history of antitrust law in Latin America and antitrust theory. He is currently finishing his PhD at University College London.
Tom Gerald Daly is Associate Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law, UK, and a consultant on democracy building, public law and the rule of law. He has published widely on constitutionalism, courts and human rights protection, and is currently Consultant Editor of the Venice Commission Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law.