Delivering on the Climate Emergency
7 authors - Hardback
Scientia Professor Deo Prasad AO is the CEO of the NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub based at UNSW Sydney Australia.
Dr Aysu Kuru is a lecturer at School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney.
Dr Philip Oldfield is Associate Professor and Head of School at UNSW Built Environment, Australia.
Dr Lan Ding is Associate Professor and Convenor of High-Performance Architecture at UNSW Built Environment, Australia.
Dr Malay Dave is Strategic Sustainability Advisor at Steensen Varming, Australia.
Dr Caroline Noller is Chair of TG2 MECLA and a member of Australian Architects Declare’s Technical Work Group.
Dr Baojie He is Research Professor at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China.