Kylie Burns Author & Editor

Kylie Burns is a Professor in the Griffith Law School. Professor Burns has research expertise in tort law, personal injury law, accident compensation systems, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, judicial reasoning and cognition, and judicial psychological stress. She is a co-author of the leading Australian torts textbook Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary. She is currently a co-investigator on two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects. Jodi Gardner is the Brian Coote Chair in Private Law at the University of Auckland. Her research focuses on the relationship between the private law and social policy. Professor Gardner's research has covered topics including inequality in contract law, vulnerability in tort law, high-cost credit agreements, the impact of austerity measures, debt collection contracts, the effect of technological developments on equality and financial exclusion, and concurrent liability in tort and contract. Jonathan Morgan is Professor of English Law at the University of Cambridge, Fellow and Director of Studies in Law, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. His research and teaching interests cover Contract, Tort, Human Rights and Constitutional Law-including their historical, theoretical, and economic dimensions. His books include Great Debates in Tort Law (2022) and Contract Law Minimalism (2012). Sandy Steel is Professor of Law and Philosophy of Law at the University of Oxford, and Lee Shau Kee's Sir Man Kam Lo Fellow in Law, Wadham College, Oxford. His research interests are in private law, particularly torts and remedies, and philosophical issues raised by the legal doctrine. His books include Proof of Causation in Tort Law (CUP, 2015), Omissions in Tort Law (OUP, forthcoming, 2024), and Great Debates in Jurisprudence (with Nick McBride, Palgrave 2018, 2nd edn).