Digital Innovation for Healthcare in COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies and Solutions
3 contributors - Paperback
Kwok Tai Chui received the B.Eng. degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering – Business Intelligence Minor, with first-class honor, from City University of Hong Kong in 2013, where he is a Ph.D. candidate and is fully completed at the winter in 2017. He was the recipient of international awards in several IEEE events. For instance, he received the 2nd Prize Award (Postgraduate Category) of 2014 IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest, and Best Paper Award in IEEE The International Conference on Consumer Electronics-China, in both 2014 and 2015. He has been serving as Guest Editors in Journal of Internet Technology, Managing Editor in International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, International Advisory Board in International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Editorial Advisory Board in Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Associate Editor in International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare and International Journal of Public Health Management and Ethics, Editorial Review Board of 6 journals, Technical Program Committee in The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (since 2015), The International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (since 2016) and Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (since 2016).
Dr Miltiadis D. Lytras is an expert in advanced computer science and management, editor, lecturer, and research consultant, with extensive experience in academia and the business sector in Europe and Asia. Dr. Lytras is Research Professor at Deree College – The American College of Greece and Distinguished Scientist at the King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Lytras is a world-class expert in the fields of cognitive computing, information systems, smart cities research, technology enabled innovation, social networks, computers in human behavior, and knowledge management. In his work, Dr. Lytras seeks to bring together and exploit synergies among scholars and experts committed to enhancing the quality of education for all. Dr. Lytras has co-edited more than 50 special issues in top impact factor journals and more than 45 books in international publishers.