Kristin Smith Editor & Author

Caitlin Janzen is a Ph.D. student in sociology at York University. Her doctoral research focuses on women's psychic responses to representations of violence against other(ed) women. Janzen's past research is in the areas of violence, sexual exploitation of children, and sex work. Janzen is the co-author of articles that have appeared in Hypatia, Violence Against Women, and Journal of Progressive Human Services.

Donna Jeffery is an associate professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Victoria. Underpinning her work is this question: What explanatory frameworks do we draw on to explain our practice and our professional/personal identities? Jeffery has published recently in Ethics and Social Welfare, The Canadian Geographer, and Journal of Progressive Human Services.

Kristin Smith is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at Ryerson University. Her research focuses on neo-liberal restructuring and critical social work practice with perspective drawn from governmentality, critical race, post-colonial, queer, and feminist post-structural theories. She has authored and co-authored articles in Affilia, The Canadian Geographer, and British Journal of Social Work.