Korin Grant Author

Tristram Hooley has a complex working life. He is variously the Director of Research at The Careers & Enterprise Company, Professor of Career Education at the University of Derby and a professor at the Inland Norway University of Applied Science. This means that he spends a lot of time on trains and planes, which gives him a lot of time to think and write about careers. He has published over 100 books, papers and articles on careers and related subjects, including You're Hired: Job Hunting Online. He is also the author of the Adventures in Career Development blog (https://adventuresincareerdevelopment.wordpress.com).

Korin Grant has recently joined Loughborough University in the role of Postgraduate Careers Consultant. Previously to this she worked for 15 years at the University of Leicester in various student-facing careers-related roles. These included leading on employability awards, managing placement schemes and helping students to make effective transitions from school to university and then on to graduate work or study. She really, really like helping students and seeing them go on to enjoy their next step in life.