Kongjian Yu Author

Gary Austin is the author of Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning (Routledge 2014). He is a landscape architect who studied under John Lyle and taught at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA. He has practised in the public and private sectors and has taught landscape architecture at the University of Washington, USA, and the University of Idaho, USA. His teaching and research focus on community revitalization, urban biological diversity and treatment of wastewater and stormwater for water quality improvement.

Kongjian Yu is co-author of the influential book The Art of Survival (2007). He is Visiting Professor of Landscape Architecture at Harvard University, USA, and the principal of Turenscape, a large landscape architecture firm in China. The many constructed and monitored wetland projects that his firm has designed appear in this book. He is also Professor and Dean at Beijing University, China.