Working Women
2 authors - Hardback
Kogi Naidoo is Deputy Director and Associate Professor at the Centre for Learning and Professional Development, University of Adelaide, Australia. Kogi Naidoo was born in South Africa and has worked in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. She is a HERDSA Fellow (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia) and has extensive work experience lecturing in English and Education, worked in the areas of academic development, research and quality assurance in South Africa and New Zealand. Her postgraduate research included designing evaluation programmes for staff development and quality assurance mechanisms for academic programmes. She has presented and published her work nationally and internationally, and has received numerous prestigious academic awards and fellowships, including the South African Junior Technikon Fellowship Award, the Ernest Oppenheimer Gold Medal and the South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (SAARDHE) Young Achiever Award. At Massey University she led a mentoring programme for women and is presently leading a national research project investigating the impact of academic development on first year student learning in New Zealand. Kogi has maintained a healthy work life balance and owes her success to her supportive family, her husband and two children, who are themselves now pursuing successful careers. Dr Fay Patel is a lecturer in Higher Education and academic developer at the Centre for University Teaching. Fay received her doctoral degree in mass communication and communication studies at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA. She is involved in a number of regional and local higher education projects in curriculum development and assessment, leadership in higher education, internationalization of the curriculum and cultural diversity. Fay has over 25 years of experience as a professor, researcher, academic developer, programme and project coordinator, and leader in higher education in five countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America and South Africa). Fay is South African by birth, a Canadian immigrant and a migrant worker in Australia. Her research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, enhancing student learning through teaching development, internationalizing the curriculum, international development and global cultural communication perspectives, diffusion of new media technology, and online research methods and communication. She is the co-editor of Working Women: Stories of Struggle, Strife and Survival published by SAGE India in 2009. Fay is also author of Role of Attitudes and Perceptions in Diffusion of Innovations: Implementation of the Internet and Email in South Africa. Her forthcoming publication is a co-edited book titled Diffusion of Innovations and International Development: Critical Perspectives in the 21st Century.