Klaus Leopold Author

Klaus Leopold, PhD., is a computer scientist with extensive experience in helping IT organizations to manage knowledge work. Dr. Leopold is the managing partner of the company LEANability GmbH, based in Vienna, Austria. He is a founding member of Lean Kanban University, co-founder of the Limited WiP Society in Austria and Switzerland, a founding member of the management network Stoos, and author of the blog klausleopold.com.

Siegfried Kaltenecker, PhD., is the managing partner of the company Loop Organizational Consulting GmbH, based in Vienna, Austria. As a change management and leadership expert, Dr. Kaltenecker has specialized in Process Management with Lean/Agile/Kanban/Scrum and has worked as a consultant and trainer for over twenty years for a variety of companies. He is the co-editor of "PAM—Platform for Agile Management" and co-author of “Leading Self-Organizing Teams”.