Klaus Eder Editor & Author

Klaus Eder is Professor of Sociology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His publications include: 'Die Entstehung staatlich organisierter Gesellschaften' (Suhrkamp 1976), 'Geschichte als Lernprozeß? (Suhrkamp 1985), 'Die Vergesellschaftung der Natur (Suhrkamp 1988), 'The New Politics of Class (Sage 1993), 'The Social Construction of Nature' (Sage 1996). He has co-edited (with Bernd Giesen) European Citizenship (OUP 2001) and (with Crouch/Tambini) Citizenship, Markets, and the State (OUP 2001) and (with Kousis) Environmental Politics in Southern Europe (Kluwer 2001). He has coauthored (with Giesen/Schmidtke/Tambini) Collective Identities in Action (Ashgate 2002). Willfried Spohn, PD Dr., is adjunct professor in sociology at FU Berlin and is currently director of an EU research project 'Representations of Europe and the Nation in current and prospective member states - elites, media and civil society' at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt-Odra. His recent publications are (with Steven Hanson): Can Europe Work? Germany and the Reconstruction of Postcommunist Societies, Seattle 1995; 'History and the Social Sciences,' International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behaviorial Sciences, London 2001; (with Anna Triandafyllidou): Europeanization, National Identities and Migration, London 2002, and 'Multiple Modernity, Nationalism and Religion - A Global Perspective,' in: U. Schuerkens (ed.), Global Forces and Local Life-Worlds, 2003.