Klaus-Dieter Schewe Editor & Author

Klaus-Dieter Schewe is Professor at the UIUC Institute of Zhejiang University. Before he had worked as Professor of Computer Science at the Technical University of Clausthal, Massey University and Johannes Kepler University Linz as well as in industrial and non-university research organisations of Philips Research Laboratory Hamburg and Software Competence Center Hagenberg. His main fields of research cover rigorous methods, logic and semantics, data and knowledge base theory, distributed and hybrid systems, and conceptual modelling, in particular web information systems. He received several awards as distinguished researcher in New Zealand and Austria.
Bernhard Thalheim is Full Professor of Databases and Information Systems at Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel and honorary Kolmogorov Professor at Moscow State University Lomonossov. Before being appointed to Kiel he worked as Professor at the Universities of Dresden, Rostock and Cottbus. His main fields of research cover databases and information systems, and conceptual modelling, in particular web information systems and foundations of modelling. He is author of the book “Entity-relationship modeling - foundations of database technology”.