Klaas Kunst Author

Anne de Graaf, MSc, is TSTA in the field of management and organizational development and CTA in the field of psychotherapy. Anne was founder, trainer and supervisor at the Dutch TA academy and was a lecturer at the MSc Organizational TA program in the UK. He is currently the owner of RondHeel, consultancy and training. He is a co-author of Into TA: A Comprehensive Textbook on Transactional Analysis and of Einstein and the Art of Sailing. He also co-edited Climate Change in Organizations and New Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Organizations.

Klaas Kunst pursued a degree in Dutch linguistics and literature. After working as a teacher and counselor at a secondary school, he transitioned into a senior consultant role and later assumed the position of managing director within a governmental organization. Collaborating with his colleague Anne de Graaf, he co-authored several management books, one of which is Einstein and the Art of Sailing. In his private practice, his primary focus lies on providing individual and team coaching services.Top of FormBottom of Form