Kıymet Çalıyurt Author & Editor

Kıymet Çalıyurt is the founder of the International Group on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (IGonGFE&SR) and the president of the National-International-Students’ Conference Series on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (IConGFE&SR). She also founded the International Women and Business Group, which organises a global annual conference. Kıymet has published papers and book chapters both nationally and internationally on fraud, social responsibility, ethics in accounting/finance/aviation disciplines and NGOs.

Ülkü Yüksel is a Senior Lecturer of Marketing at the University of Sydney Business School in Australia. Ulku is an active member of the International Centre for Anti-consumption Research (ICAR), representing the University of Sydney Business School, Australia. Her research revolves around the application of consumer marketing concepts in various contexts, including services marketing, international business and cross-cultural consumer behaviour. Specifically, she investigates the effects of culture and psychological pressure on decision- making by managers and consumers, as they confront the risk and cost of their decisions.