Principles of Multiple-Liquid Separation Systems
3 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Kit Wayne Chew is currently a Lecturer at the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia. He is an associate member (AMIChemE) of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). Dr. Chew’s current field of research involves chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, optimization and bioprocess engineering design. He has conducted various researches in bioseparation processing, waste management, algal cultivation, and biofuel and bioproducts applications. He is the Winner for the Young Researcher of IChemE Global Awards 2020, Young Researcher for IChemE Malaysia Award 2020 and Rising Star Award 2019. Dr Chew has published more than 80 journal papers, book chapters and made several conference presentations. He is working with and has collaborations with international renowned researchers in the field of bioprocessing from Taiwan, India, Japan and China. Dr. Shir Reen Chia is a research associate at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM). Her research focuses on downstream processing of biomolecules. She is working on the utilization of liquid bi-and triphasic partitioning of biomolecules from biomass. Dr Pau-Loke Show is an Associate Professor at Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM). He currently is a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) and Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council UK. He is also a member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (MIChemE) UK and currently serves as active member in IChemE Biochemical Engineering Special Interest Group. Ir Dr Show obtained the Post Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (PGCHE) in 2014, a professional recognition in higher education and now a fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK (FHEA). He is a world leading researcher in bio-separation engineering. He establishes international collaboration with researchers from various countries in the Asia, Europe, American and Africa. Since he started his career in UNM, he has received numerous prestigious domestic and international academic awards, including The DaSilva Award 2018, JSPS Fellowship 2018, Top 100 Asian Scientists 2017, Asia’s Rising Scientists Award 2017 and Winner of Young Researcher in IChemE Malaysia Award 2016. He is currently supervising 10 PhD students and has published more than 120 journal papers in less than 6 years of his career. He is now serving as an editorial board member in Biochemical Engineering Journal and BMC Energy, and guest editor for three SCI-indexed journals, which are Clean Technologies & Environmental Policy, Frontier in Chemistry and BMC Energy.