Kirwan Rockefeller Editor

Ilene A. Serlin, Ph.D, BC-DMT is a licensed psychologist and registered dance/movement therapist in practice in San Francisco and Marin county. She is the past president of the San Francisco Psychological Association, a fellow of the American Psychological Association, past-president of the Division of Humanistic Psychology. Serlin is Associated Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, has taught at Saybrook University, Lesley University, UCLA, the NY Gestalt Institute and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She is the editor of Whole Person Healthcare (2007, 3 vol., Praeger), over 100 chapters and articles on body, art and psychotherapy, and is on the editorial boards of PsycCritiques, the American Dance Therapy Journal, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Arts & Health: An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, Journal of Applied Arts and Health, and The Humanistic Psychologist. She is a recipient of the 2019 California Psychological Association Distinguished Humanitarian Contribution award. Stanley Krippner received his Ph.D. in Special Education from Northwestern University. A pioneer in the study of consciousness, he has conducted research in the areas of dreams, hypnosis, shamanism, and dissociation, often from a cross-cultural perspective with an emphasis on anomalous phenomena that seem to question mainstream paradigms. Kirwan Rockefeller, PhD, adjunct faculty, Saybrook University teaches in both the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, and College of Social Sciences. He is the co-editor of Spirituality and Healthcare, volume 2 of the three-volume, Whole Person Healthcare (2007) and is the author of Visualize Confidence: How to Use Guided Imagery to Overcome Self-Doubt (2007).