Kirstie Drummond Papworth Author

Kirstie Drummond Papworth is a psychologist, Behavioural Change Executive Coach and compassion researcher. Her research includes an examination into the effects of self-compassion on stress, anxiety and depression in leaders, as well as research into the benefits of organisational compassion. Kirstie’s commercial background includes various roles in a FTSE50 organisation, commercial director for an independent wine importer, executive director at a leading global business school and running her own successful behavioural change consultancy, Tangerine Thistle.

Kirstie delivers leadership development interventions across many sectors including higher education, retail, software, engineering, healthcare and the armed forces. She also delivers regular webinars and workshops for the British Psychological Society. Kirstie has delivered keynote speaker events on compassionate leadership for conferences and professional development groups, including LeanIn, numerous NHS Trusts and BBC Radio. She is a TEDx speaker on her specialist subject of compassion, and is Chair of Trustees for the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion, Oxford.