Kirk Warren Brown Editor

Kirk Warren Brown is an Associate Professor of Social Psychology and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University. His research centers on the role of attention to and awareness of internal states and behavior in healthy human functioning. He has a particular interest in the nature of mindfulness and the role of mindfulness and mindfulness-based interventions in emotion regulation, behavior regulation, and mental health in both normative and clinical populations. He has authored numerous journal articles on these topics and is senior editor (with JD Creswell and RM Ryan) of the Handbook of Mindfulness: Theory, Research, and Practice (Guilford Press). Dr. Brown is an elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. Mark Leary is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and is the Director of the Duke Interdisciplinary Initiative in Social Psychology at Duke University. His research and writing has centered on social motivation and emotion, with an emphasis on people's concerns with interpersonal evaluation and the negative effects of excessive self-focused thought. He has published 12 books and more than 200 scholarly articles and chapters on topics such as self-presentation, self-relevant thought, social emotions, interpersonal rejection, and self-esteem. His books include: Social Anxiety, Interpersonal Rejection, The Social Psychology of Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Self-Presentation, the Handbook of Self and Identity, and The Curse of the Self.