Kiran A Shinde Editor

Kiran A Shinde (Edited By) Dr Kiran Shinde teaches in the Planning program at La Trobe University, Australia. He does research in the field of religious tourism, and has published about 50 research articles relating to cultural heritage, religious tourism, policy analysis, and destination planning and management. His papers have appeared in high-ranking journals, including Urban Studies, Current Issues in Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research, GeoForum, and Space and Culture. He has also contributed chapters in books published Elsevier, Routledge, SUNY Press, and CABI. He has presented research papers at conferences in Canada, Turkey, Australia, Portugal, Singapore, the UK, and the USA. He was invited by the UNWTO to contribute to the Bethlehem Charter on Religious Tourism. He is also on the editorial board of the International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Recently, he completed a UNWTO report on Buddhist tourism in Asia. He holds a PhD from Monash University, Australia, an MSc from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand), and an M.Tech from CEPT University, India Daniel H Olsen (Edited By) Dr Daniel H. Olsen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA. His research interests revolve around religious and spiritual tourism, heritage tourism, and the management of sacred sites, with secondary research interests in tourism in peripheral areas and tourism and disabilities. He is co-editor of Religion, Tourism, and Spiritual Journeys (Routledge, 2006) and Religious Pilgrimage Routes and Trails (CABI, 2018), and has published over 40 journal articles and book chapters.