Kim McGuire Author

Michael Salter, Professor of Law, University of Central Lancashire teaches on European and International Human Rights (LLM), Legal Research Methods/Methodology (LLM), International Criminal Law, War Crimes Trials: Law and Policy, Thinking and Arguing about Law, Law and Moral Dilemmas. His research interests include Legal reasoning skills and rhetoric: the pervasive and double-edged role played by various linguistic and rhetorical devices in legal reasoning, especially metaphors, in judicial creativity (Salter and Culley 2005 Of particular interest he has focused upon the importance for legal researchers of cross referencing formal legal categories to the actual concrete lived-experience of those involved in law and affected by its practices (various articles on phenomenology from mid-1980’s onwards). 
Kim McGuire, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Law, has focused her research upon the creation and effect of cognitive interpretations, with particular regard to improvement in legal approaches. Her work draws upon her background in History, English Literature and Law.  In recent years she has focused upon perceptions and the law concerning ‘hate crime’ in the EU. Kim teaches criminal law and criminology.  Areas of interest: perceptions of Law in action, utilising Linguistic, psychological, philosophical, socio-economic and historical perspectives.