Kim Daasbjerg Editor

Cyrille Costentin received his undergraduate education at Ecole Normale Superieure in Cachan. He is, since 2007, Professor at the Universite Paris Diderot (now Universite de Paris). He was Visiting Scholar at Harvard University from 2016 to 2019. Since 2019 he is working at the Departement de Chimie Moleculaire at Universite Grenoble Alpes. His interests include mechanisms and reactivity in electron transfer chemistry with particular emphasis on proton-coupled electron transfer processes and molecular catalysis of electrochemical reactions such as small molecules activation. Kim Daasbjerg obtained his MSc (1990) and PhD (1993) at Aarhus University under the supervision of Prof. Henning Lund. Following a post-doctoral visit at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, he returned to Aarhus University as an associate professor in chemistry. He obtained his Doctor of Science degree (2006) and promoted to Professor (MSO) in 2010. Recently, the scientific research has focused on fundamental aspects of graphene and its functionalization to exploit the extraordinary properties of this carbon allotrope in materials science. In addition, the combined expertise in electrochemistry, modification of surfaces, polymer brushes, and carbon materials is employed to meet a scientifically difficult challenge of huge societal importance in terms of converting the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, to useful building blocks for the chemical industry or the energy sector. Marc Robert was educated at the Ecole Normale Superieure (Cachan, France). He received his Ph.D. in 1995 from Universite Paris Diderot under the guidance of Jean-Michel Saveant and Claude Andrieux. Following a postdoctoral stay at Ohio State University with Matthew Platz, he started his academic career at Universite Paris Diderot in 1997. He is currently Professor of Chemistry at Universite de Paris and Senior fellow at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). His interests include electrochemical, photochemical approaches of electron transfer processes and catalysis. In recent years, his work has been focused on electrochemical and photochemical activation of small molecules, notably CO2 and N2, using metal-organic complexes as catalysts.