Kiki Latimer Author

Stephen D. Schwarz is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Rhode Island, where he started teaching in 1963. He continues teaching on a part-time basis, including ethics and the philosophy of the human person. The present book developed from lectures and discussions on abortion in his ethics classes over the last 30 years or so. He studied philosophy at Fordham University under Dietrich von Hildebrand and Balduin Schwarz, his father. He received his BA and MA at Fordham and his Ph. D. at Harvard and he is the author of The Moral Question of Abortion (Chicago: Loyola Press, 1990). Kiki Latimer collaborated with Stephen Schwarz in the production of this book. She wrote the opening section, “Oh my God, I’m pregnant.” She has served as his teaching assistant in ethics and other classes over the last 25 years. She received her BA in speech communication and psychology, with a minor in philosophy from the University of Rhode Island; she graduated Summa cum Laude. She served as executive director at Woman-to-Woman, a pregnancy advising agency for 20 years. She is the author of three children’s books: Islands of Hope (Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision, Inc., 2009), The WaterFire Duck (Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision, Inc., 2009), Bubble Butt! (Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision, Inc., 2010)