Kevin Wai Ho Yung Editor

Kevin Wai-Ho Yung is an Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong. He mainly teaches postgraduate programmes in the areas of learner motivation, language education, curriculum and assessment. He is currently the Chair of the Departmental Research and Higher Degree Committee. His research interests include shadow education, language learning motivation, washback of high-stakes assessment and teaching and learning in higher education.

Huixuan Xu is an Assistant Professor and Associate Head at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong. She works in the field of curriculum studies and service-learning. Her research interests include effective service-learning programme design and development, integrated curriculum, experiential learning, adolescent identity formation and students’ self-regulated learning. Xu is currently the programme leader of the Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities programme.