Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades
2 authors - Paperback
Kevin Flanigan, PhD, is Professor in the Literacy Department at West Chester University (WCU) in Pennsylvania. He works in the WCU Reading Center along with master’s students to assess and teach children and young adults who struggle to read and write. A former middle-grades classroom teacher and reading specialist/coach, Dr. Flanigan researches and writes about developmental word knowledge and interventions for students with reading difficulties and challenges. He is coauthor of several books, including Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades; Assessment for Reading Instruction, Fourth Edition; and Developing Word Recognition.
Latisha Hayes, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education at the University of Virginia (UVA), where she teaches courses focused on the language structures of English and data-based decisions to inform interventions for students with reading difficulties. She is also Director of UVA's McGuffey Reading Clinical Services, where she works with preservice and inservice teachers to provide students across the grades with diagnostic and tutoring services. As a special educator and reading specialist, Dr. Hayes has taught students with reading disabilities across the elementary and middle grades. She is coauthor of several books, including Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades and Developing Word Recognition.