KeShun Liu Author & Editor

KeShun Liu, Ph.D., is a Research Chemist with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service in the Pacific West Area. His research program focuses on developing plant-based ingredients (protein and/or lipid) for fish feed and other uses. He has over 26 years of research experience at academic institutions, in private industries, and at governmental agencies in the field of food science and technology. His expertise is in chemistry, processing, and value-added utilization of grains, oilseeds, legumes, and their by-products (including distillers grains).

Kurt Rosentrater, Ph.D., a Bioprocess Engineer, is a Lead Scientist with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, at the North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory in Brookings, South Dakota. His research program focuses on issues associated with distillers grains, the coproducts from fuel ethanol production, and value-added utilization for these coproducts. His expertise is in process and product development, alternative recycling and reprocessing strategies for food and organic waste streams, modeling and simulation of processing systems, plant layout, and engineering design. Prior to joining USDA, he was on faculty at Northern Illinois University, and also worked in private industry.