Keren Weinshall Author & Editor

Lee Epstein is University Professor of Law & Political Science and the Hilliard Distinguished Professor of Law at University of Southern California, and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Hebrew University and at Washington University in St. Louis. Gunnar Grendstad is Professor of Political Science at Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen and principal investigator of Doranoh, a relational database of judicial behaviour on the Norwegian Supreme Court. Urška %Sadl is part-time Professor of Law at the European University Institute. She is principal investigator of Judging Under the Influence: A Critical Assessment of the Role of Legal Actors on the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. Keren Weinshall is Professor of Law and the Edward S. Silver Chair in Civil Procedure at Hebrew University. Weinshall served as Founding Director of the Israeli Courts Research Division and represented Israel at the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice in the Council of Europe.