Kent-Andre Mardal Editor & Author

Kent-Andre Mardal is a professor of mechanics at the University of Oslo and an adjunct research scientist at Simula Research Laboratory. He has published more than 90 scientific publications, including journal papers, two co-authored books and the co-edited the book about the FEniCS project, for which he was a core developer for many years.  Research interests include computational modeling of various life science applications and robust, stable and accurate numerical schemes.

Marie E. Rognes is a research professor at Simula Research Laboratory and a founding member of the Young Academy of Norway. She has over 50 scientific publications and has delivered numerous keynote addresses and invited talks, including a TEDx talk. Her research is primarily focused on mathematical and computational modelling of fluid flow in the brain, and this work has been partially funded by an ERC starting grant.

Aslak Tveito is a professor of scientific computing at the University of Oslo, and the CEO of Simula Research Laboratory. He has co-authored three text books, one research monograph and many journal papers on computational physiology. His research interests are related to the use of computational methods to understand the dynamics of collections of excitable cells.