The New African American Urban History
2 contributors - Paperback
Kenneth W. Goings is the Courtesy Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at Ohio State University. He has authored nearly two dozen peer-reviewed articles and four books, including The NAACP Comes of Age: The Defeat of Judge John J. Parker, Mammy and Uncle Mose: Black Collectibles and American Stereotyping, The New African American Urban History, ""Lessons Learned: The Role of the Classics at Black Colleges and Universities"" (with Eugene O’Connor), and ""‘Tell Them We Are Rising’: African Americans and the Classics"" (with Eugene O’Connor).
Eugene O'Connor is the recently-retired managing editor at Ohio State University Press and an independent Classics scholar. In addition to four books—which include titles like Symbolum Salacitatis: A Study of the God Priapus as a Literary Character and The Essential Epicurus: Letters, Principal Doctrines, Vatican Sayings, and Fragments—he has authored eighteen articles and dozens of translations. Those articles include ""Black Athena before Black Athena: The Teaching of Greek and Latin at HBCUs during the Nineteenth Century"" (with K. W. Goings) in African Athena: New Agendas, ""Into the Republic of Letters: The Classics, Church/State Politics, and the ‘Firing’ of William S. Scarborough"" (with K. W. Goings), and ""The Classical Curriculum at Black Colleges and Universities and the Roles of the Various Missionary Aid Societies"" (with K. W. Goings).