Ken Gillings Author

Ken Gillings began taking an interest in South African military history as a schoolboy and since then has undertaken extensive research into South African battlefields, especially those in KwaZulu-Natal. He has written numerous articles on the subject, many of which have appeared in the South African Military History Journal. He co-edited The War Memoirs of Commandant Ludwig Krause (van Riebeeck Society) and is author of Battles of KwaZulu-Natal, which is in its fifth edition. The Relief of Ladysmith: Breakthrough at Thukela Heights, 13–28 February 1900 is an acclaimed South African battlefield guide and has been affiliated with the South African Military History Society, the South African National Society, the Ladysmith Historical Society (of which he is a founder life member), the KwaZulu-Natal Heritage Foundation and the National Monuments Commission’s War Graves & Graves of Conflict Committee. He chaired the KwaZulu-Natal Regional Committee for the Commemoration of the Centenary of the Anglo-Boer War. He lives in Durban, South Africa.