Ken G Johnson Author

Professor Donald M. Broom, Emeritus Professor of Animal Welfare at Cambridge University, Department of Veterinary Medicine and St Catharine’s College, has developed concepts and methods of scientific assessment of animal welfare. He has studied the cognitive abilities of animals, the welfare of animals in relation to housing and transport, behaviour problems, attitudes to animals, sustainable livestock production and ethics of animal usage. Donald M. Broom has published over 350 refereed papers, lectured in 45 countries and served on UK (FAWC, APC, Seals) and Council of Europe committees. He has been Chairman and Vice Chairman of EU Scientific Committees on Animal Welfare between 1990 and 2009, a member of the European Food Safety Authority Panel on Animal Health and Welfare to 2012, represented EU in WTO challenges and prepared a Study on Animal Welfare in the EU for the European Parliament which was published in 2017. He chaired the World Organization for Animal Health (O.I.E.) land transport group. His books include: "Stress and Animal Welfare" (1993/2000 Springer, with K.G. Johnson), "Coping with Challenge: Welfare in Animals Including Man" (2001 Dahlem University Press), "The Evolution of Morality and Religion" (2003 CUP), "Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare" (5th Edition 2015 CABI, with A.F. Fraser), "Sentience and Animal Welfare" (2014 CABI) and “Tourism and Animal Welfare” (2018 CABI, with N. Carr).

Dr. Ken G. Johnson is a former Senior Lecturer in Physiology at the Department of Physiology, Murdoch University in Western Australia.