Ken Anjyo Author

Ken Anjyo is the R&D supervisor at OLM Digital. He has been credited as R&D supervisor for the recent Pokemon and several other movies. His research focuses on construction of mathematical and computationally tractable models. Dr. Anjyos research includes recent SIGGRAPH and IEEE CG&A papers on art-directable specular highlights and shadows for anime, the Fourier method for editing motion capture, and direct manipulation blendshapes for facial animation. He is co-founder of the Digital Production Symposium (DigiPro) that started in 2012 and served as SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Course co-chair, SIGGRAPH 2014 and 2015 Computer Animation Festival juror, and co-founder of the Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis symposium (MEIS). He is appointed as the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 conference chair. He is also a VES member since 2011.Hiroyuki Ochiai is a Professor at Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Tokyo in 1993. His research interests include representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, algebraic analysis, and group theory. He has been joining the CREST project Mathematics for Computer Graphics led by Ken Anjyo since 2010. He was a lecturer of courses at SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, SIGGRAPH2014 and 2016.