Kelly Crigger Author

Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone is a veteran of over 50 professional MMA fights with a shit ton of ambition, unbridled curiosity, little concern for his own safety, and has enjoyed a long and comfortable relationship with hard work. He lives on his self-made BMF desert ranch with Doctor Mama Bear, two badass sons, an abundance of livestock, and more guns, bikes, boats, cars, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and Budweiser than Walt Disney himself.
Kelly Crigger has zero professional MMA fights, but has written 4 books and 100 articles on the subject and has jumped out of 53 perfectly good airplanes. He met Cowboy while writing Greg Jackson’s books in Albuquerque and they’ve been BFFs ever since. At least in his mind.
Cecilia Terrasa is a former Flamenco dancer who is now a Civil War history buff with a penchant for sarcasm, Victorian England TV shows, and 1980’s movies. She can quote every line from every Friends episode ever. She lives with her retired Soldier and their five-kid blended family in the Washington DC area.