Keith Rutter Editor

John Bintliff is Emeritus Professor of Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology at Leiden University and Emeritus Professor at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers to the 20th Century AD (2012), The Death of Archaeological Theory? ( 2011), Conceptual Issues in Environmental Archaeology (EUP, 1988). He is the editor of A Companion to Archaeology (2003).Keith Rutter is Honorary Fellow & Professor Emeritus in Classics at the University of Edinburgh. He has published widely on the coinage and history of South Italy and Sicily in the Greek period. His publications include Campanian Coinages 475-380 BC (1979) and Greek Coinages of Southern Italy and Sicily (1997). He has been responsible for steering the Italian volume of the third edition of Historia Numorum towards publication (2001) by the British Museum Press.