Kei Xian Author

Dr. Danquah is a Full Professor, Associate Dean for the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and the Director of Chemical Engineering Program at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, United States. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), Chartered Scientist (CSci), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). Dr. Danquah’s research focuses on the utilization of bioprocess and biomolecular engineering principles to develop emerging biopharmaceuticals, biosensing and molecular separation systems; environmental bioremediation systems; and biofuels and bio-products. Dr. Danquah’s research findings are well published and cited with over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, conference publications and technical reports, and a current H-index of 39. His research has also resulted in intellectual properties and patent applications, large-scale manufacturing plants, and commercialized products and formulations. Genevieve Dable Tupas, MD, MMCE, FPPS, FPSECP is an Associate Professor at the Research Center, College of Medicine, Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc, Davao City, Philippines. Her research interests include natural products research, clinical epidemiology, and their translation to benefit the community. Anandhakumar Sundaramurthy is an Associate Professor, at the SRM Research Institute, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India. His research interests are nano-carriers and thin film based drug delivery systems, stimuli responsive and remotely triggerable drug delivery systems, polymer synthesis by CROP polymerization, nanoparticle synthesis, and polymeric scaffolds. Dr. Jaison Jeevanandam is currently working as a senior researcher in Centro De Quimica Da Madeira (CQM – Center for Chemistry), University of Madeira, Portugal. He obtained his Ph.D. in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science from Curtin University, Malaysia. He has experience in nanoparticle synthesis, especially in the green synthesis using plant extracts, characterization, cytotoxic analysis of nanoparticles, and in vitro analysis in diabetic models. His current research focuses on the application of nanobiotechnology in the development of nanoformulations for drug delivery systems. He has won several awards, including ‘Best teacher award 2019’ from Academy of competitive exam and research training (ACERT, Chennai), India; Gold medal in 3rd World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC) in 2017 from Korea Invention News (South Korea); Special honor of invention award, 3rd World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC) in 2017 from Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS) (Canada). Dr. Jaison has authored +50 articles. Further, Dr. Jaison serves as a journal editor for Bio-integration (China) and International Archives of Biomedical and Engineering Sciences (India), as well as an invited editor for special issue in applied sciences (MDPI), Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Research topic coordinator) and Frontiers in molecular biosciences; and reviewer for 10+ journals. Tan Kei Xian has graduated with Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Curtin University Australia, major in Chemical Engineering (specialize in Biomedical and Biomaterial Engineering). She is a Research Scientist and Engineer with years of professional experience in both academia and industry, focusing in her areas of expertise such as targeted pharmaceutical drug delivery, medical bioscience, materials science, bioprocessing, biopackaging, nutraceutical, and skin delivery formulation. With her career journey as a Scientist, Postdoctoral and Doctoral Researcher, she has published over 25 ISI-indexed research articles, review papers, book chapters and conference papers. She has more than 7 years of research experiences and 3 years of teaching experiences. Previously she graduated with Honours degree in Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscience) programme from Monash University. She is a recipient of 3 sponsorships including Fundamental Research Grant Scheme from Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Curtin Chemical Engineering Department Research Sponsorship, and Public Services Department (JPA) Scholarship. She is now working as a Lead Bioprocess Scientist with Esco Aster, Singapore, involving in the technical support, product development, registration, and regulatory affairs under GMP settings.