Kay Dreyfus Author & Editor

Suzanne Robinson teaches Australian music history at the University of Melbourne and has published studies of modernist British and American composers in journals including Cambridge Opera Journal; American Music; Journal of the Society for American Music; and Musicology Australia. Her article on the interactions between Grainger and Cowell appeared in Musical Quarterly (2011) and an article on Grainger’s 1934-35 tour of Australia is published in Musicology Australia (2013).She is currently writing a biography of Peggy Glanville-Hicks supported by the State Library of NSW and the Australia Council, and is Series Editor for Australasian Music Research at Lyrebird Press. Kay Dreyfus is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the History Program (SOPHIS) at Monash University and Dean's Research Fellow in the School of Graduate Studies, RMIT University. She was Curator and Research Fellow at the Grainger Museum between 1974 and 1987. She edited The Farthest North of Humanness: Letters of Percy Grainger 1901-14 (South Melbourne, 1985), compiled the Museum’s catalogues of the music of Percy Grainger and completed a bibliographic study, Percy Grainger’s Kipling Settings: A Study of the Manuscript Sources (Nedlands, WA, 1980). In 1988 she was awarded the International Percy Grainger Medal for her contribution to Grainger scholarship. Since 2000, she has commissioned and guest-edited themed issues of ten major Australian and overseas journals.