Ridiculous Rhymes
Kaushik - Paperback
Prof Sanjay Misra, a Sr. member of IEEE and ACM Distinguished Lecturer, is presently a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Energy Technology (IFE), Halden, Norway. Before joining IFE, he was associated with the Computer Science and Communication department of Østfold University College, Halden, Norway, and was a Full Professor (since Jan 2010) of Computer (Software) Engineering at Covenant University (400-500 ranked by THE(2019)) since 2012. He has been amongst the top 2% of scientists in the world (published by Standford University) for the last three consecutive years and also got several awards for outstanding publications (Institute of Engineering and Technology, UK - 2014 IET Software Premium Award (UK)), TUBITAK-Turkish Higher Education, and Atilim University). As per SciVal (SCOPUS- Elsevier) analysis (on 01.12.2022)- He has been the most productive researcher (Number 1) in Nigeria since 2017 (in all disciplines), in computer science no 1 in the country & no 2 in the whole of Africa. His expertise is in the area of Applied Informatics (Software Engineering and its Applications, Cyber Security, Health Informatics, and Intelligent systems) and has been the publishing (- around 150 JCR/SCIE) in top journals like Computers and Security, Information Processing and Management, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and Applications, etc. He has delivered more than 100 keynote/invited talks/public lectures at reputed conferences and institutes (traveled to more than 60 countries). He is Editor in Chief of Int J of Human Capital & Inf Technology Professionals(IGI), IT Personnel and Project Management(IGI), and editor in various SCIE journals(Nature: Scientific Report((Impact Factor: 4.996), Elsevier: Alexandria Engineering Journal (Impact Factor: 6.626, Q1 7/92)), edited several special issues and 80 books from Springer(65 LNCSs, 4 LNEEs, 3 LNNSs, 3 CCISs), 10 IEEE proceedings. He delivered more than 100 keynotes, invited talks and public lectures at reputed conferences and institutes (he traveled to more than 60 countries).
Amit Jain is currently President of Amity University Rajasthan. Prior to this Prof. Amit served the university as Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dean Faculty of Management, and Director, Amity Business School. Prof. Jain has held senior positions with several organizations including Director-International Collaborations, Director-School of Hotel Management with Manipal University Jaipur, JK Lakshmipat University, etc. Prof. Amit has been a Visiting Professor with University of Technology (UTS), Sydney, Australia, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary & Selye Janos University, Slovakia. Prof. Amit holds a Ph.D. from Sardar Patel University and has completed FDP from IIM Ahmedabad. Prof. Amit is actively involved in administration, teaching, training and research. He is associated with various management and training institutes as a guest faculty such as Bank of Baroda Staff College, Staff College Union Bank, Sardar Patel University, NCHMCT, etc to name a few. Prof. Amit has Designed and conducted training programmes/sessions for executives of various organizations including IDBI Bank, Bank of Baroda, BKT Tyres, JK Tyre, JK Paper, JK Lakshmi Cement, Claris Life Sciences, Veeda Clinical Research, Natraj Foods, Trimurti Foodtech, E-mall Infotech, Euro India Foods, Fenner India, Gravita India, ECGC, GAIL, etc., on topics related to Marketing Orientation, Effective Selling Skills, Customer Relationship Management, Managerial Effectiveness, Leadership and Communication Skills. He has several publications to his credit and has presented research papers at National and International conferences organized by institutes like Singapore Management University (SMU), University of Technology, Sydney, IIM, and IIT. He has also received award for three research papers at National and International Conferences. His professional associations include Life Membership of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) and currently holds position of National Council Member. He is a Member of All India Management Association and IIM Ahmedabad Alumni Association. Dr Amit is Reviewer and Committee Member with several Journals and Conferences. He is an Editorial Board Member of Indian Journal of Training and Development and Chief Editor of Amity Management Review. His area of interest for Research, Training and Consultancy includes Marketing Strategy, Sales Management, Marketing Communications, Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship.
Manju Kaushik is presently working as a Professor-AIIT, President, IIC, Amity University Rajasthan. Deputy director Amity Innovation Incubator, E-Cell,IEEE, ACM Branch Counselor &Coordinator Tech. Clubs, AUR. She has more than 17 years of experience in the field of teaching & research. She was awarded Ph.D. from the Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Raj. Her research papers have been published in various journals and conferences of National and International repute like IEEE, springer, Elsevier, and Scopus indexed. She has organized international conference and more than 60 events (workshop, webinars, FDPs, awareness programs) two research scholars have successfully awarded with Ph.D. under her supervision. Currently She is Guiding 06 Ph.D scholars, Guided more than 100 PG Level students (MCA, M.tech.). She has appointed as paper setter and an external examiner for the viva-voce exams of post graduate students, Ph.D Students of various Universities. She is an active reviewer of different indexed journals. Presently, she is the executive member at Rajasthan sub-section of IEEE & Member of ACM, life member of ISTE and CSI. She has published 02 Patents & editor of 02 Books.
Yudhveer Chahal has served as Associate Professor in the department of Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Rajasthan. He has more than 15 years rich and illustrious teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has published more than 35 papers in good indexed International Journal and serves as reviewer and editor in renowned international journals of repute along with He has presented more than 20 research papers in national and international conferences. He has supervised 3 research scholars for Ph.D. degree and his specialization area is special function, Fractional Calculus, Integral equation, Integral Transform and its applications.